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Saniyaso minɛnw nafa ka bon kosɛbɛ sigidaw la minnu bɛ mara, olu balocogo n’u saniyacogo ɲuman sabatili la, ka fɛnw cogoya n’u dannaya sabati minnu dilannen don o yɔrɔw kɔnɔ. A dabɔra ka saniyaso sariya gɛlɛnw ka ɲininiw muɲu, saniyaso minɛnw bɛ baarakɛminɛn kɛrɛnkɛrɛnnenw ni masinw caman lamini minnu labɛnna walasa ka izini suguya caman mago kɛrɛnkɛrɛnnenw ɲɛnabɔ.
Saniyaso minɛnw kɔnɔna na, a ka se ka fɛnɲɛnamafagalanw nɔgɔli bali. O bɛ sɔrɔ ni fiɲɛ (HEPA) filɛriw ye minnu nafa ka bon kosɛbɛ, minnu bɛ 99,97% bɔ fɛnɲɛnamafagalanw na minnu janya ye 0,3 mikromɛtiri ye walima minnu ka bon ni fiɲɛ ye. O filɛriw bɛ kɛ fiɲɛ saniyacogo la, k’a lajɛ ko saniyaso sigida bɛ to buguri, nɔgɔ ani nɔgɔ wɛrɛw la minnu bɛ se ka fɛnw cogoya tiɲɛ.
Saniyaso minɛnw fana bɛ baarakɛminɛn kɛrɛnkɛrɛnnenw ni baarakɛyɔrɔ caman na minnu dabɔra walasa ka fɛnɲɛnamafagalanw bɔli dɔgɔya. Misali la, baarakɛyɔrɔ minnu sɛgɛsɛgɛra saniyasow fɛ, olu bɛ ni yɔrɔw ye minnu ka nɔgɔn, minnu tɛ porose ye, minnu bɛ buguri ni nɔgɔ dalajɛli kɛlɛ. O cogo kelen na, finiw ni fɛn wɛrɛw minnu bɛ saniya so kɔnɔ, i n’a fɔ laboratuwaariw, bololanɛgɛw, ani sanbara datugulanw, olu dilannen don ni fɛnw ye minnu tɛ fɛn ye, wa u saniya ka nɔgɔn.
Ka fara fɛnɲɛnamafagalanw kɔlɔsili kan, saniyaso minɛnw ka kan ka nɔgɔko nɔgɔya fana ɲɛnabɔ. O bɛ sɔrɔ UV yeelenw ni sterilize fɛɛrɛ wɛrɛw tali fɛ, minnu bɛ fɛnɲɛnama misɛnnin dɔw faga walima ka u kɛ minnu tɛ se ka kɛ, minnu bɛ se ka kɛ saniyaso lamini na.
Kuma bɛɛ la, saniyaso minɛnw ye yɔrɔ koloma ye sigida bɛɛ lajɛlen na, min bɛ a to a ka kɛ fɛn ye min bɛ se ka kɛ fɛn ye min bɛ se ka kɛ fɛn ye min bɛ se ka kɛ fɛn ye min bɛ se ka kɛ fɛn ye min bɛ se ka kɛ fɛn ye min bɛ se ka kɛ fɛn ye min bɛ se ka kɛ fɛn ye min bɛ se ka kɛ fɛn ye min bɛ se ka kɛ. Ni jagokɛlaw bɛ wari bila saniyasow la minnu ka ɲi kosɛbɛ, jagokɛlaw bɛ se k’u ka baarakɛcogo ɲuman sɔrɔ, ka tiɲɛniw dɔgɔya, ani ka u ka kiliyanw wasa.
DeShengxin HEPA filɛriw bɛ fiɲɛbanakisɛ 99,997% minɛ ka ɲɛ fo ka se mikoro 0,3 ma, o bɛ fiɲɛ sanuman dilan ka ɲɛ. An ka filɛriw bɛ fɛn caman bɔ i n’a fɔ banakisɛw, nɔgɔw, nɔgɔ, tulumafɛnw, baganw kunsigi, dander, bugurimugu, sisimuguw, ani faritanabana wɛrɛw ani fogonfogonw tiɲɛni. Baara kɛli ni H13-H14 Fibreglass Filter Paper ye, o filɛriw bɛ H13: 99.97-99,99% @ 0.3um ani H14: 99,99% @ 0.3um (MPPS) di. Kalansenw sugandicogo minnu bɛ se ka kɛ ka kɛɲɛ ni mɔgɔw sago ye, olu ye aluminiyɔmu profile kɛsu ye, aluminiyɔmu folikɛsuw, galonw, ani nɛgɛdaga minnu tɛ sɔgɔ. Filɛri kelen-kelen bɛɛ bɛ kɛ ni lakanalan ye min bɛ kɛ ni diamant ye, min bɛ kɛ ni mugu ye, wa a datugulen don ni neoprene ye walasa ka a muɲu. A bɛ sɔrɔ aluminiyɔmu profile janya suguya caman na k’a ta 46mm na ka se 96mm ma, an ka filɛriw bɛ kiliyanw ka ɲininiw kɛrɛnkɛrɛnnenw ɲɛnabɔ. A bɛnnen don baarakɛminɛnw ma iziniw kɔnɔ minnu bɛ saniya kosɛbɛ, semikɔndukiri baara, atomikɛ fanga ɲininiw, so saniyalenw, laminar hoods, sigilan saniyalenw, ani fɛn wɛrɛw.
DeShengxin FFU (Fan Filter Unit) kemikɛli filɛri ye fiɲɛ saniyacogo ye min bɛ kɛ ka ɲɛ walasa ka nɔgɔ suguya caman bɔ so kɔnɔ fiɲɛ na. Ni an ka FFU kemikaliya ye, o bɛ se ka asidi, alkali, kondensatiw, ani nɔgɔ wɛrɛw bɔ yen minnu bɛ don a kɔnɔ, o bɛ se ka kɛ sababu ye ka baarakɛyɔrɔ saniyalen ni kɛnɛya sabati. A dabɔra iziniw kama i n’a fɔ semikɔndukiriw, laboratuwaraw, ani furakɛli yɔrɔw, an ka filɛriw bɛ baara kɛcogo caman di ani sugandili minnu bɛ se ka kɛ ka kɛɲɛ ni mɔgɔw sago ye walasa ka fiɲɛ furakɛli mago kɛrɛnkɛrɛnnenw ɲɛnabɔ. Ni jogoɲumanya sɛgɛsɛgɛli gɛlɛnw, ni sabatili bɛ se ka da a kan, ani baarakɛlaw ka jɛkulu dɛmɛni, DeShengxin FFU kemikɛli filɛriw bɛ fura dafalen di nɔgɔya gɛlɛyaw ma, ka dɛmɛ don so kɔnɔ yɔrɔ la min ka fisa ani min saniyalen don.
DeShengxin FFU (Fan Filter Unit) kemikɛli filɛri ye fiɲɛ saniyaminɛn ye min bɛ taa ɲɛ ka ɲɛ walasa ka nɔgɔ suguya caman bɔ so kɔnɔ fiɲɛ na. Ni nin filɛri in bɛ se ka kɛ ka asidi, alkali, kondensatiw, ani nɔgɔ wɛrɛw bɔ, minnu bɛ kɛ ka baara kɛ ni yɔrɔ saniyalen ni kɛnɛman ye. A dabɔra kɛrɛnkɛrɛnnenya la iziniw kama i n’a fɔ semikɔndukiriw, laboratuwaraw, ani furakɛli yɔrɔw, minnu bɛ baara kɛcogo caman di ani sugandili minnu bɛ se ka kɛ ka kɛɲɛ ni mɔgɔw sago ye walasa ka fiɲɛ furakɛli mago kɛrɛnkɛrɛnnenw ɲɛnabɔ. DeShengxin FFU kemikɛli filɛri bɛ waso filɛriw la minnu bɛ taa ɲɛ, minnu bɛ fɛn misɛnninw ni nɔgɔw minɛ ka ɲɛ, o bɛ so kɔnɔ fiɲɛ saniyalen di. A fana bɛ kasa bɔli sekow jira, ka kasa suguya caman bɔ u la ani ka u ban walasa ka so kɔnɔ sigida diyabɔ ani ka a lafiya. Ni adsorption se ka bon, a bɛ dɔ bɔ filɛriw caman cili la, musakaw dɔgɔyali ani baarakɛlaw kɔlɔsili. A sigili ka nɔgɔn, min dabɔra fiɲɛdilan minɛn fanba kama, o b’a kɛ fiɲɛ samali fura ye min ka nɔgɔn ani min bɛ se ka kɛ. Ni jogoɲini ni sɛgɛsɛgɛli gɛlɛnw kɛra, DeShengxin FFU kemikɛli filɛri bɛ sabatili ni muɲuli dafalen di walasa ka baara kɛ waati jan kɔnɔ. A bɛ nɔgɔ bɔli damatɛmɛsira di kuntigiw ma tuma bɛɛ ani ka dɔ bɔ baara ladonni musakaw la. An ka baarakɛlaw ka jɛkulu minnu bɛ feere kɔfɛ, olu bɛ dɛmɛ ni ladonni baara kɛ waati bɛnnen na, k’a lajɛ ko fura in bɛ to baarakɛcogo ɲuman na ani ka baara dafalen di baarakɛlaw ma.
The VHP Pass-Through Box is an advanced sterilization solution designed to maintain sterile environments within pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and healthcare facilities. Utilizing vaporized hydrogen peroxide (VHP) as the sterilant, this box ensures thorough and efficient disinfection of all materials passing through it. Crafted with precision and attention to detail, the VHP Pass-Through Box adheres to the strictest industry standards, featuring a seamless stainless steel construction that is easy to clean and highly resistant to corrosion. The box incorporates cutting-edge technology to guarantee optimal sterilization and decontamination, with automated operation that simplifies the process and ensures consistent, repeatable results. Its flexible configuration allows for adjustable chamber sizes and customizable settings, accommodating a wide range of item sizes and shapes. The intuitive control system provides easy monitoring and control of the sterilization process, with operators able to set parameters, monitor progress, and receive notifications for completion or potential issues. In addition to its efficient sterilization capabilities, the VHP Pass-Through Box is also known for its material compatibility, gentleness on various materials including plastics, metals, and rubber, without damaging their integrity or functionality. The VHP process breaks down into water and oxygen after sterilization, leaving minimal toxic residuals and contributing to sustainable practices by minimizing the need for hazardous waste disposal. Overall, the VHP Pass-Through Box is a robust and reliable solution for industries requiring high-level disinfection and sterilization. Its combination of efficiency, material compatibility, environmental friendliness, automation, flexibility, and safety features make it an ideal choice for maintaining sterile environments in critical facilities. Contact us today to learn more about how our VHP Pass-Through Box can benefit your operation.
The Corner Pass-Through Box, a specialized transfer device, features a unique corner design enhancing spatial flexibility. Constructed of two sealed chambers with adapted door mechanisms, it optimizes item transfer in limited spaces, reducing contamination and enhancing efficiency. With excellent sealing, interlock safety features, and intercom communication, it ensures safe, clean, and efficient operations. Designed for ease of cleaning and maintenance, it adapts to diverse environments like electronics factories, pharmaceutical plants, and labs. Its primary purpose is to control contaminant spread, making it ideal for air-purified settings such as LCD factories, hospitals, and food processing industries.
The DSX Mechanical Interlock Pass Box is a state-of-the-art cleanroom equipment designed to facilitate the secure and contamination-free transfer of materials between different environments. Crafted with precision and durability in mind, this pass box features a robust stainless steel construction and a mechanical interlocking system that ensures both doors cannot be opened simultaneously, thereby maintaining the integrity of the cleanroom environment. With its high filtration efficiency and customizable size options, the DSX Mechanical Interlock Pass Box is an essential tool for industries that require stringent contamination control, such as pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, and electronics manufacturing. Trust Deshengxin for a reliable and efficient cleanroom solution that meets your specific needs.
The Air Shower Pass Box with Automatic Roller Conveyor is an advanced material transfer system designed for use in cleanroom environments. It seamlessly integrates an air shower with an automatic roller conveyor to ensure efficient, contamination-free transfer of materials between different cleanliness zones. The automatic roller conveyor simplifies the loading and unloading process, reducing manual handling and minimizing the risk of cross-contamination. The air shower function, equipped with high-efficiency filters, effectively removes particles and contaminants from the surface of items, maintaining the cleanliness of the cleanroom. Suitable for various industries such as pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, and microelectronics, this innovative pass box offers a customizable design to meet specific requirements and enhance operational efficiency. With its robust construction and user-friendly features, the Air Shower Pass Box with Automatic Roller Conveyor is an essential tool for maintaining hygiene and sterility in high-standard work environments.
This advanced system combines the precision of automatic induction technology with the convenience of a conveyor belt, creating a seamless and efficient process for moving items between different areas while maintaining strict contamination control. The DSX system features an automatic lift door that operates with remarkable accuracy, detecting the presence of items and opening/closing with minimal delay. This ensures a rapid and secure transfer, minimizing downtime and maximizing productivity. The integrated conveyor belt further enhances the system's efficiency, allowing for effortless movement of items from one side to the other, reducing manual handling and eliminating the risk of human error. Crafted from high-quality materials, the DSX Automatic Induction Lift Door Pass Through Box with Conveyor is built to last. Its robust construction and precision engineering ensure that it maintains its performance and reliability over time, even in the most demanding applications. Whether you're in the pharmaceutical, electronics, food processing, or any other industry that requires stringent contamination control, the DSX system offers a tailored solution to meet your unique needs. Its modular design allows for easy integration into existing operations, ensuring a smooth transition and minimal disruption to your workflow. In summary, the DSX Automatic Induction Lift Door Pass Through Box with Conveyor is the ultimate choice for efficient, reliable, and contamination-free material transfer in controlled environments. Experience the future of material handling today with the DSX system.
Introducing the DSX Electronic Interlock Pass Box, a revolutionary solution designed to revolutionize the way materials are securely transferred between cleanrooms. Engineered with precision and innovation, this pass box features an advanced electronic interlock system that guarantees both doors cannot be opened simultaneously, thereby preventing cross-contamination and maintaining the integrity of sensitive environments. Crafted from high-quality stainless steel, the DSX Electronic Interlock Pass Box offers exceptional durability and ease of maintenance. Its sleek and smooth surface facilitates effortless cleaning, ensuring it remains in pristine condition over time. With a range of customizable options available, the DSX Electronic Interlock Pass Box can be tailored to suit specific requirements. From UV sterilization and air ionization to various configurations like window type, desktop type, and floor type, this pass box offers unparalleled flexibility and adaptability. Furthermore, the DSX Electronic Interlock Pass Box boasts an emergency stop button for immediate shutdown in case of emergencies, ensuring operator safety and system reliability. Suitable for a wide range of industries, including pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, semiconductors, food industry, hospitals, data centers, manufacturing plants, and research and development settings, this pass box is a must-have for any organization prioritizing contamination control and secure material transfer. Discover the DSX Electronic Interlock Pass Box today and experience the ultimate in secure, efficient, and reliable material transfer solutions.
Meet the DSX Advanced Air Shower Pass-Through Box, a top-tier solution for enhancing cleanliness and sterility in controlled environments. Constructed from durable stainless steel, this system employs high-velocity air jets filtered through HEPA/ULPA filters to scrub contaminants from surfaces. Its modular design allows for easy customization, while adjustable airspeed and airflow direction optimize the decontamination process. Additional features like UV sterilization and air ionization can be included for enhanced performance. The DSX Air Shower Pass-Through Box features secure access control, transparent viewing windows for monitoring, and energy-efficient operation. Suitable for industries like pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, semiconductor manufacturing, and more, this system ensures cleanliness and sterility in critical environments.